Thursday, August 14, 2008

Photos and Descriptions

Although the title of this section is essentially what my blog has consisted of all along, these particular photos stand alone without the assistance of much of a back story. These are all photos that I recently entered into an online contest. I hope you enjoy!

Caption: Becak-pooling!
Description: In front of the largest mosque in eastern Indonesia, a group of children split the cost of a 20 cent becak ride (pronounced bey-chak). Although much of Indonesia is plagued by environmental challenges such as deforestation, rampant water pollution, and excessive carbon emissions; incidentally these children combine two popular and environmentally sustainable practices that are common in the USA--carpooling AND bicycling!

Caption: Sailor's Delight
Description: This is a pensive moment staring out at the major shipping lane known as the Makassar straight. The distinct cloud formation that seems to be emanating from the ship on the horizon appears almost as smoke, and reminds me of how most Americans experienced this gorgeous part of the world over 60 years ago. Although the purpose and context of our journeys contrast even more deeply than the left and right portions of this photo, my grandfather must have taken solace in similar unspeakably beautiful tropical moments.

Caption: Welcome to our country, brother.
Description: This is one of my first days in Indonesia at an Islamic boarding school with male students aged 12 to 18. The glow of sunset just before maghrib (the sunset prayer in Islam) perfectly highlights the enthusiasm on my new friends' faces. Faced with such a warm welcome and immediate acceptance into their community as a "brother", I couldn't help but redefine some of the stereotypes I had previously held about Islam.

Caption: Sunglasses at Night
Description: My traveling companion and I received local permission to enter a limestone cave that served for thousands of years as the catacombs for the tribal elders. The scene is lit by a hand held gas lantern. Strange thing is, I had just lost my sunglasses, and I was on the quest for a new pair! Best to leave these undisturbed, this guy might need them where he's going.

Caption: New Friends!
Description: Traveling through the small villages of Indonesia is a bit like being inside a Mickey Mouse costume at Disneyland. On this adventure, my friend Ken Moore and I were met at every roadside stop with hospitality from everyone--and unadulterated pure enthusiasm from the children. These little ones used their curiosity to guide us to the foot of the majestic waterfall in the background.


Anonymous said...

Let us know if you win. My fingers are crossed.

Kenmore said...

Great stuff Jon.

Today was the first day on my new (used) motor. Haven't driven one since Ambon... some flooding memories.